With 30 years of experience in media, agencies, and international companies, Carolina has advised corporations, governments, and leaders to plan and implement communication actions that support the achievement of their objectives.
Carolina works strategically and intensively with decision-makers in companies such as CEOs, vice-presidents, and directors. She has developed methods to map the communication competencies of the participants in her trainings. She has trained more than 7,000 spokespeople from various fields (companies, NGOs, governments) to have successful encounters with the media.
She is a communication advisor for crisis management and online and offline scandals, and has developed audits and response manuals for management teams for over a hundred organizations. She is one of the first women in Mexico to be certified in Major Emergency Management by the National Safety Council.
She has trained state secretaries, ambassadors, and governors on handling speeches, debates, and media statements. She has participated in nearly 50 political campaigns – presidential, state, municipal, and legislative – in Mexico and Latin America. She participated in the SUMA project for Equality, supported by UN Women and INMUJERES, to train more than a hundred women leaders in Mexico in a new discourse.
Translated: She has a degree in Communication and Public Relations, and has completed masters degrees in Political Communication and Marketing (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Digital Marketing and Communication (Cambridge), and Leading Through the Changing Media Landscape (Harvard Kennedy School).
She is a professor of Institutional Communication in the Master’s program at the Ortega y Gasset Institute, of Debate in the Political Communication Diploma at UNAM, of Government Communication at ITESM, and a speaker at the Electoral and Political Communication Seminars at ITAM. She is also the president of the Conocer para Vivir AC association, which supports people with cancer and their families.